Blogging Tips for Student Bloggers

Blogging is a popular pastime for millions of people who use their blog as an outlet for their views and opinions, or as a way to make some extra cash. Students can use a blog for all kinds of purposes, but the important thing is to do it the right way. As with most things in life, there is a right way and a wrong way to do things, so if you are planning to start a blog, here are some tips to help you build a successful blog.

Students are busy people. You will have a heavy course load, especially if you are studying for a masters in computer science online. You might think you don�t have time to set up a blog, but don�t worry because it�s easy to do. There are free blogging platforms out there and if you choose one of these, you can have a blog up and running in minutes. Alternatively, buy a domain name and give your blog a unique identity. You can use free hosting like Blogger or Wordpress, or buy your own hosting.

What to Write About?

The hardest thing with blogging is knowing what to write about. For this reason, it is better to create a blog on a subject you actually enjoy. A good place to start is your degree major. For example, if you are studying for an online masters computer science, you love computers, coding, and all things techy. If this is the case, create a tech blog and discuss everything related to your major, plus other interesting topics. The more interested you are in your blog, the more likely you are to keep up with writing posts, which is critical if you want your blog to be a success.

Don�t just stick to text posts. Use video and infographics to generate reader interest. Video in particular is now the fastest growing medium on the web. Always include social link buttons on any posts you write. This will encourage social sharing, which is very important.

Blogging for Networking

Don�t underestimate the importance of a blog for networking and brand building purposes. You can use a blog as an online portfolio. Show off your blog to potential employers. Make connections in the blogging world and link back to your blog to show people what you are interested in.

Monetizing a Blog

The advantage of using paid hosting is that you can monetize your blog once it has a decent level of traffic. Popular blogs can generate a good level of income, which for cash-strapped students studying for an online masters in computer science, is a good thing. It�s easy to monetize a blog. Google AdSense is one of the most popular schemes for newbie bloggers, as it is quick and easy to set up. However, there are others techniques you can use, including affiliate links, selling guest posting opportunities, or selling your own e-books or similar.

It takes time to build a successful blog, so don�t expect overnight success. However, if you are consistent in your posting schedule, you will soon build a steady stream of traffic.