The Importance of User Experience for Apps
Over the last five years, people�s mobile devices, and mobile habits, have changed and advanced quite dramatically. In fact, it�s really surprising to see just how far the technology in the mobile device market has come, and just how many apps have started to flood the marketplace for both Android and iOS devices. From smartphones to tablets, and even desktop computers and laptops, you can get an app for just about anything, from tracking your fitness to listening to music on the go.

Despite how popular apps have become and how much information is out there to become an app developer, there are still many that never even get downloaded. Part of the reason is because they don�t have great UX, which stands for user experience. Continue reading to learn more.

UX for Apps is Different from UX for Websites

First off, it is important to note that user experience in the world of apps is quite different from user experience in the world of website design. Therefore, don�t get them confused, and when you do work with an expert in UX, make sure that he or she has knowledge and experience in UX for apps, specifically.
  • When someone is using a mobile device, they are on a much smaller screen, which means you need to take screen size into consideration when developing an app.
  • Mobile apps are on devices that have touch screens, which are very different from computer screens that rely upon the movement of a mouse and selections made with clicks. And there is no �right-click� option on a mobile device.
  • Mobile apps should be streamlined in terms of design and being able to find what you need. You simply don�t have the room for extra graphics, menus, etc.
  • A mobile app can also be integrated into the features of the device itself. For example, you can integrate the device�s GPS capabilities into the app.

UX is Just as Important as Design

When it comes to apps, user experience can be considered just as important as the overall design and content of an app. You can have the best looking app, but if it doesn�t function well or if a user has a difficult time learning how to use it, it will simply get deleted, receive poor ratings and reviews, and lose other potential downloads as a result.

Work with UX Experts for the Best Results

When developing a new app, make it a point to work with user experience experts who specialise in apps, such as those at Goby Savvy. And before you even launch the app to the App Store or Google Play, make sure you ask yourself, is my app user friendly?

With these tips and information in mind, you will be able to develop any app for any purpose while ensuring it has the right user experience in place. In this way, you can enjoy high download rates, especially if you are planning on selling the app for profits.

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