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A Few Good Ways to Attract Visitors to your Blog

how to attract visitor to blog

Meg Hourihan, co-founder of Blogger, describes a blog as a collection of posts�short, informal, sometimes controversial, and sometimes deeply personal�with the freshest information at the top. And that pretty much sums it up as we all know. A blog can either be a sub-section of a website or a standalone entity used to entertain and educate a particular niche. It can be a powerful platform that can generate mass traffic as well as strengthen brand awareness and provide additional income, but before all of that can happen, you, the blogger need to find enticing ways to attract that target audience to your blog.

Choose A Good Web Host

The web host is the virtual place you rent for your blog to live on - it is through the host that you can make your blog accessible on the internet.The quality of the web host you choose can often depict the quality of the blog. Low-quality hosting can cause your blog to load slowly and crash frequently which are massive deterrents for visitors. Higher quality hosting companies such as Bluehost web hosting offer adequate bandwidth, continual technical support and data backups as well as easy to use interface, which improves visitor surfing experience while giving you peace of mind that your blog is working smoothly.

Design A User-Friendly Blog

Nothing attracts repeat visitors more than a blog that is beautifully designed. Therefore, you should take the time to choose your fonts and colors wisely as well as your graphics and page layout. Your blog should be easy to navigate and welcoming.

Implement Keywords

Placing highly relevant keywords into your posts as well as in your titles, meta tags, and image tags is SEO 101 - doing so is the best way to get you ranked high in search engines.

Write Buzz-Worthy Content

Chances are, you will be sharing messages on a subject that is already talked about by other bloggers, so it is up to you to create buzz-worthy content so that your blog cause more of a reaction than your competition. Find your voice and then write with a personality and flare that sparks interest - share quality tutorials, videos, pictures and text that will get people continuously talking, clicking and sharing.

Enlist Guest Bloggers

Sporadically accepting content from highly authoritative guest bloggers in your niche is an easy way to make your blog more legitimate. Additionally, doing will supply you with more quality content for your audience.

Promote Your Content

Many bloggers write buzz-worthy content on their beautifully designed blog but then forget to promote it, which results in low traffic. Continuously promoting your content on relevant web-spaces will attract new seekers to visit and share. You can promote your new and older posts on your social media pages, relevant forums, bookmarking sites and other industry relevant blogs.

Regardless of the messages you share, your blog has the ability to be an authority within that niche. And once you have mastered the art of keywording, creating buzz-worthy content and promoting, you will have to constantly supply that level of greatness so that your visitors keep on visiting, clicking and sharing.

Image : http://www.webtrafficroi.com/12-tips-for-attracting-first-time-visitors-to-your-site/

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