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Forgotten Marketing Techniques That Are Vital for a Conference

If you are new to planning conferences, you may not realise just how vital marketing is to the success of your event. Too many people focus on the mechanics of the conference itself whilst forgetting that attendance is key to a conference�s success. After all, if no one shows up, what good did all that planning do?

You may have the best keynote speakers, top name entertainers and a menu that is out of this world, but none of those things will matter one iota if attendance is low. Remember, you are organising a business conference usually with the goal of increasing sales or introducing new product lines. Here are some forgotten marketing techniques that are vital for a conference to be a success.

vital marketing technique

The Power of Social Media

In recent years, the effectiveness of social media has become increasingly evident. It is becoming almost clich� to hear the following words, but the fact is, they�re true. Humans are social creatures. We tend to gravitate towards others with similar interests and tastes and believe it or not, this is huge in the world of marketing.
Through effective use of sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, you can reach a much larger and more focused audience. Say, for example, your conference is sales-oriented and you are selling electronic automatic window openers. Wouldn�t you think that you should reach out to builders? By networking with construction companies and builders through social media, you can spark an interest based on your online 'friendship.'

Printed Advertising Materials

Printed advertising materials are always good because they are a tangible and highly visible reminder that your conference is just around the corner. Try to utilise a well-rounded approach that may include such things as wearables, magnets, mouse pads, key rings, coffee mugs and even stationary/notepads. Any item that a person may use daily is ideally suited as a constant subliminal reminder.
Also, when you are going to use printed materials for marketing purposes, you may want to highlight the venue. Find the perfect location with a tool like Venuesearchlondon.com conference venue finder. Nothing garners more attention than a conference hosted at a highly sought after and reputable venue.

Formal Invitations

It is all well and good to advertise on the internet, radio, television and even in newspapers and magazines but nothing is more effective than a personal invitation. This shows the recipient that they are valued and you really desire their presence at your conference. By making it 'personal' you are tapping into those same psychological triggers used in effective social media marketing.
In fact, you can even have an RSVP included in the printed invitation so that you can get a better projection in attendance even as early as months before the conference is to be held. Remember, you need a huge focus on marketing to ensure the greatest possible attendance. Use these forgotten marketing techniques that are vital for a conference and you will be amazed at just how successful you can be.

Image : http://www.bloggerstack.com/effective-marketing-methods/512

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